An outbreak of underground gambling and illegal trade has plagued the school in recent weeks. It is being contained as best as we the staff are able, however, we request the assistance of parents so as to prevent this from continuing. The following images, shown for your assistance, are copyrighted property of Saban Brands©.
The creatures your students are engaging with, commonly called Pokemon©, are printed on cards which are often used in 'battles' in order to 'win credits'. We are not yet sure of what these 'credits' are.
Furthermore, it appears that, in some cases of 'battling', students will physically take another students cards/property. This, of course, falls under the category of theft, which I do not need to remind you is strictly prohibited, which you should know as you all signed off that you understood theft is against school policy, along with several other counts of illicit actions listed in your student's handbooks at the beginning of the year.
We ask that you be on the lookout for Pokemon© in your child's posession and that you take active steps to prevent them bringing Pokemon© and Pokemon©-related contraband onto school property. If parents fail to prevent their child from bringing Pokemon© to school and the items have been confiscated, you are more than welcome to pick them up directly from Ms. Anthrope in the main office and sign off on a written agreement holding both the student and the parents accountable to never allow said-materials onto school property again.
Thank you for your patience.
Benjamin Krupp, Principal